Wednesday, 28 January 2009

And so it was written...

Well an obvious starting point for an isometric engine would be an object class for use on all isometric objects. I've decided to call it TGameObject and looks a little something like this.

GUID: Integer This is a globally unique identifier. It retrieves it's value from a simple GUID object that generates unique indices for each object. Handy for locating objects and comparing objects.
Name: String The name of the object of course. This is not unique and many objects may share the same name.
Position: TVertex
This is the location (X,Y,Z: Integer) of the object in the game space not the screen coordinates.
Dimensions: TVertex The width, height and depth of the object.
Image: TImage For the time being this is a simple pointer to our TImage object which basically stores the entire bitmap of this particular object. Sure beats having an image stored with every object as that would result in a huge memory footprint pretty damn fast.
Direction: Byte No more than 8 directions but probably only 4 for most objects
Animation: Byte No more than 256 different animation for any object type
FrameIndex: Byte No more than 256 frames per animation
Not implemented yet but eventually this will mean the program automatically select the correct frames based on three things: Direction, Animation and FrameIndex.
Anchor: TPoint (X,Y: Integer) This is the image offset that defines where the image is drawn in relation to the screen coordinates when the image is draw i.e The rear bottom left corner of the object.At the moment I'm only using static single frame objects so the Anchor can be stored directly with the actual object. However, once I am using animated objects the anchor position may change from frame to frame so that the animation is smooth and ultimately the Anchor point will be stored with the image and animation information.

This is my basic structure for all isometric objects. I will make additions as I progress but for now this is enough to move and draw objects in order and at the correct positions relative to their calculated screen coordinates. Next time I'll go into calculating screen coordinates and then onto depth sorting.

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