Saturday, 31 January 2009

Woe is me. I found a bug.

While attempting to fix the blue cube sorting bug I discovered a more serious problem with my collision detection which I should have realised would happen when I wrote the code. Since collision detection occurs when the corner of an object intersects another object it would seem that all we have to do is check all corners of two objects to check whether they are colliding or not. This works perfectly for bounding boxes in 2D but when it comes to 3D it's not so easy. If one object sufficiently large in the X and Y planes but relatively thin in the Z plane and the other object is large in the Z plane but smaller in the X or Y plane then the program will allow the two objects to intersect without noticing a collision since no corners are within the other object. Here's a wireframe diagram of what I mean.
See what I mean? Even though the objects are clearly colliding there isn't a single corner on either object that is within the other object and so a collision is not detected. Will look into some collision detection stuff for 3D at some point. Coming next is my depth sorting.

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